You can love your career as much as your kids and still be a great mum

It’s a misconception that mums lack ambition and live for soft play and coffee dates.

Women are not supported to stay on career course when they become mums - we often feel we’ve been knocked off the career ladder because of lack of employer flexibility, not to mention the cost of childcare.

The average cost of a nursery place for a 2 year old for 25 hours per week in 2022 was £7000.

You deserve to be supported in your journey back to a fulfilling and successful career and I can show you how.

More than just Mum

Hi, I’m Jo Lawrence and when I returned to work as a part-time teacher after my second mat leave with twins, I had a is this it for the rest of my life? moment.

I felt more than just the bubble I was in.

Bogged down in the day-to-day mundane motherhood tasks (feed, nappy, play, sleep, repeat) and although I had an escape to a one-day a week job, I felt constantly in mum-mode and that I’d lost my sense of self.

Returning to work helped me realise I needed to find 'me', so I could be more 'mum'.  

Working makes me a better mum - I have more patience with my kids when I’ve been away from them. Doing something I love (and get paid for) makes me feel great about myself.

Now I help some of the 1.5m UK women looking after family and home, who likely took a career break because caring responsibilities wouldn’t fit around their pre-kids career. 

I’ve made it my mission to help you return to work in a role that lights you up and fits around your family.

Now’s the right time to make your career comeback

  • Childcare costs pushed many women off the career cliff (especially true for mums of multiples) but that doesn’t put an end to ambition.

  • 2024 government funded childcare reforms have helped a lot of mums back into employment, maybe it could help you too?

  • Return To work is a process - that’s why I developed my RRR method which takes you through each step until you land the perfect role.

Trusted by

  • "Jo was thoughtful and a good listener but also challenged me out of negative and less confident thinking patterns."


Coaching Quals & Experience

I qualified as a Teaching & Learning Coach in 2013 in the Education sector and in 2021 trained as a Career Coach with The British School of Coaching.

If you want to check out my credentials, head on over to LinkedIn.