Return To Work Support for Twin & Triplet Mums

As a mum of multiples, I know exactly what it’s like to hear the comments of “encouragement” friends and family have for you, when you break the news:

“Twins!” Followed by a silence and expectation from you to respond with the obvious re-iteration of the fact. As though you might be mistaken.

“Triplets!” Followed by an even bigger silence as the person tries to figure out how that works.

Silence can however be better than assumptions or even predictions of what your life will be like. Because it is these assumptions and predictions that form us as mothers more than we realise.

Statements like “You’re going to struggle to breast feed” or “How are you going to cope going back to work?” or “Say goodbye to sleep…” truly affect our experience of parenting multiples.

There is a saying that one should never take advice on becoming a millionaire from someone who is not. So why take advice on raising your multiples and returning to work, from people who have not been in your shoes?

I’ve experienced first-hand returning to work as a mun of 1+twins and am a firm believer that you can achieve anything you want with the right support.

So, if you are a mum of multiples and looking for support on how to manage your return to work, as a Twins Trust member you can claim your £20 discount here on The Mum Mentor online courses.