Take away the work-overwhelm and narrow down your search by discovering your 3 core career values

Working out your career values

The first step to finding a career that blends perfectly with your work-life-family values.

Become clearer about your core values by unpicking what matters most to you in a career.

Discover your Core Career Values

with 14 days FREE access to Module 1 of

The Career Comeback Course

Pinpoint your core work-life-mum values to renew your sense of career purpose, identity & motivation.

What are values? 

Your values are a key part of what makes you who you are - along with your strengths, beliefs, motivations, passions, and experiences.

They are attitudes and beliefs that motivate and drive you, and reflect what truly matters to you the most.

Values are what make you, you.

Being crystal clear on this helps you make better career decisions; for a more fulfilled and happier you.

How will knowing them help me?

By getting clear on what lights you up, you’ll revive your sense of self and confidently identify what you need and want in a career.

By pinpointing your core career values:

  • searching for opportunities becomes speedier;

  • your sense of career purpose, identity and motivation will be renewed;

  • and mum guilt will fade.