Return To Work - Return To You

You’re ready to get back to work after time out to care for your family…

…and want to find a career that fits around your priorities.

🧐 The problem is you’re unsure what this looks like and where to start.

Well, there’s no better time for a career break mum to return to work.

With childcare changes afoot, The Flexible Working Bill being passed, and over a million UK jobs,

your return to work options are aplenty 🎉

How the Career Comeback Course helped Louise

“When I started I felt totally lost. I was coming back to work after more than 3 years off, I had no direction and no idea where to start.

Jo helped me work out what I wanted, what I have to offer and how to achieve my long-term plan.

During our sessions Jo helped me build my confidence and assess my updated priorities.

Now I have a long-term and a short-term plan that I’m working towards and it feels great

Who the Career Comeback Course is for…

You’re an amazing mum who put your career on hold so you could be 100% present to care for your young family in their early years.

Whether you’re….

  • on a career break and now eligible to claim government-funded childcare hours so you have the headspace to start thinking about yourself;

  • a mum on parental leave, who’s realised that your career pre-kids is not going to work now you have other priorities;

  • or a mum who’s returned to your ‘pre-kids career’ and struggling to sustain the energy and sanity needed to hold down a full-time job around your family commitments;

    ….you’re in the right place.

After the Career Comeback Course you will have:

Pinpointed your core career values so searching for jobs takes only a fraction of the time!

Renewed your sense of career purpose, identity, and motivation (and not feel any mum guilt)

Optimised your LinkedIn profile to get noticed on the job market & approached by recruiters

Defined your unique yet flexible and agile transferable skills-set with complete clarity

Showcased yourself with confidence by articulating your super strengths

Decided whether to adapt, pivot or change career direction so you can finally get going!

Compiled a list of roles & workplace cultures that match your values, strengths, skills & priorities

Revived your CV so you will stand out to recruiters and hiring managers

The Mum Mentor® Return To Work Process:

4 steps to making your career comeback:


Discover your 3 core career values to take away overwhelm and gain a sense of direction.


Move out of mum-mode and rediscover your sense of career purpose and identity.


Map out your return to work options to get clear and confident on your next move.


Start a laser-focused job search, applying for exciting roles that tick ALL your boxes.

The first step is discovering your 3 core career values.


The Career Comeback Course will get you so much closer to finding a career that fits perfectly with your work-life-family values.

Module 1 - What Matters Most

Part 1 - Pinpoint your core work-life-mum values to renew your sense of career purpose, identity & motivation.

Part 2 - Narrow down what is important to you in your career by deciding your career non-negotiables.

Module 2 - My Best Self

Part 1 - Breakdown your unique and transferable skills-set to map out options such as adapting, pivoting or changing career direction and articulate how you would apply your core skills to adapt to any role.

Part 2 - Define your ‘super strengths’ to understand what drives you, what you need to be happy in your career, and to showcase yourself with career confidence.

Module 3 - Career Compass

Part 1 - Identify roles & workplace cultures that match your career priorities, values, strengths & skills, so you can start researching jobs, companies and recruiters with focus and intention.

Part 2 - Decide on and plan your next steps so you can start applying for jobs that light you up and tick all your boxes.

Module 4 - Professional Profile

Part 1 - Create a CV that makes it easy for hiring managers to put you on the interview ‘yes’ pile.

Part 2 - Optimise your LinkedIn Profile by making it clear who you are and what you can offer employers so you can grow your network with the end goal of securing your ideal job.

(option to add on a CV and LinkedIn profile review with suggested amendments)

Module 5 - Presenting Myself

Part 1 - Write your 1 minute elevator pitch so you never start off a networking meeting or interview with a blank face.

Part 2 - Write you career story following the STARIL method so you’re never short of impactful examples of your professional expertise during interviews.

Module 6 - Interview With Confidence (Optional add-on to online course)

Part 1 - Take part in a no-pressure 1:1 mock interview to run through your elevator pitch and career story, making all the false starts you need, so when it comes to interview day you’re brimming with confidence.

Part 2 - Receive constructive feedback on your mock interview and tips on how you can do even better come interview day.


  • A useful job search tracker to help you remain organised and focused when you spread your wings.

  • A handy cover e-mail template that will help you send off applications in minutes.

Start Your Career Comeback

Online Course

Self-paced videos, workbooks and templates

only £97

If you need more support, there’s an option to add on a 1:1 coaching session at a later date

I can not wait to help you nail your career comeback….

If we haven’t met (virtually of course), I’m Jo Lawrence, Mum of 3 and Return To Work Coach who helps mums put themselves back on the job market after time out of their career to raise a family.

As a mum of 3 yr old twin boys and 5 yr old girl, I have successfully designed a career around my family that has transformed my life and I want that for you too.

I’ve experienced first hand what it feels like to want a fulfilling career that fits around my family, whilst thinking “Will I be good enough?” “What if it doesn’t work out?” and worrying that I won’t be able to cope with a career and the pressures of family life.

But, I found a bright future in which I balance mum and everything else, and you can have it too.

Take the plunge and see what awaits you on the current job market. Because you are not just mum. You are so much more. 

I’ll be with you every step of the way and get you to a place where you truly believe “I can do this, I’m ready!”

I got a clearer understanding of what I wanted out of my work-life-family balance.

I now know my strengths which I’m confidently using in work and private life. Through the support Jo provided, I decided to start my own company, and not to take my career in the direction of an employed role.


Start Your Career Comeback

Online Course

Self-paced videos, workbooks and templates

only £97

If you need more support, there’s an option to add on a 1:1 coaching session at a later date


How long will the online course take?

I recommend completing one module per week, so that you have time to digest the learning and create the space to complete the reflective activities, ensuring meangingful progress and maximum impact.

What if I don’t have any idea of what I want?

You’re in the right place, as that’s what this course is designed for. Whether your goal is to decide what you want your first step to be, apply for a role or gain self-confidence before looking, it’s got you covered.

What if I start the course and decide it’s not right for me?

Have a look at the course preview which gives you access to Module 1 ‘What Matters Most’. It will give you an idea of what to expect from the rest of course and put your mind at rest.

Will the course content be relevant to me?

Yes. The learning content and material has been designed to help you understand your unique experiences, skills and strengths whatever your seniority level or industry. Helping you return on your own terms.

What if I don’t get a job after the course?

There are so many variables when it comes to securing employment and this course deals with the personal development side of job hunting. It can take roughly 5 months to land a new job.

What if I’m still unclear about what I want and how to get it at the end of the course?

There is an option to book a 1:1 online coaching session with me at any point of the course if you feel you’re not making the progress you’d like. I can help you get to the bottom of what’s potentially holding you back from getting clear.

Why now is the time…

With the long-awaited and hard-fought-for childcare reforms coming to England in 2024, you can finally start to believe that you can afford to have a career as well as a family.

You’ve also read this far for a reason…you’re ready to take action and design a career you deserve and want. 
Feel free to contact me with any queries or questions you may have and I’ll get back to you pronto!