Do you know your ‘Why’?

Here’s mine…

Many believe that there is a pivotal moment in women’s lives when we decide we are going to have children. Then another moment in which we decide to give up work or any other dream we have.

But for many, having children has been a part of who we are as long as we can remember and it is not so much if as it is when. Then once pregnancy occurs, we realise that those around us may have already decided the path that our lives will take from this point onwards.

My name is Jo Lawrence and I help expectant, new and seasoned mums with their career.

The year after the birth of my daughter, I discovered I was pregnant with twins. My own body and person fell very quickly into the background, as society doted over the impending birth of my twin boys.

My new career: Mum. My new hobbies: Mum. My name: Mum.

And I was just Mum; at least in the beginning. Anxiety soon began to build in anticipation of the fate that others had already decided for me. The pregnancy and what it meant for me and what it meant for my future.

In the run up to the birth of my beautiful twins, this anxiety controlled my actions as I worried about how I was going to survive the hardships that people believed were in store for me.

The echo of you’re going to have your hands full, the presumptions that I would not return to work.

Expectations upon expectations. Until finally you fold.

What if there was someone there to help you keep YOUR career on track? Someone who could help you achieve the security of knowing you can take time out of your career and step right back in. Who could help you plan for a smooth career transition into and out of maternity leave.

Because you are not just mum. You are so much more.

I built my future on an inner strength and desire to succeed and created The Mum Mentor® to be there to help you along the way. And I found a bright future in which I balance career and everything else, and you can have it too.

**For some pointers on how to start your return to work after a career break, take a look at this blog post.

Jo Lawrence

Return To Work Mentor for UK Mums.

A busy career-mum of 3 who has helped over 250 women resiliently navigate the transition back to work.

Read Jo’s story here: “More than just Mum”.


10 Tips for mums returning to work after maternity leave or career break.


Transferable skills for mums returning to the workforce.